I closed on the house this morning. Since my friend J-Mo was the seller, the closing was actually a rockin' good time.

ABOVE: J-Mo has trouble letting go
Couple of notes:
1. BLUE ink only!!! Title company person freaked out when she saw I initialed something with a forbidden BLACK pen. Omigod! Nooooooooooooooo!!!! How did that Satan ink sneak into this room?
2. As they are going over the settlement fees with us, they list things like loan origination fee, appraisal fee, survey fee... when they got to "messenger fee", J-Mo suddenly yells out, "Where's the messenger? Shoot him!"
3. I am now a homeowner AND a crew manager. I have these guys of questionable citizenship status -- Jose and his brother -- painting and remodeling. Then I have the East Texas contractors, Darryl, Darryl Jr., and his other brother Darryl doing the bathrooms. It's like international fest in there.