The drivers here, in general
When the AC goes out in my bureau office during a heat wave
Union County
Stumbling upon Klan rallies
"Freedom isn't Free" bumper stickers
The following conversation:
Them: Where are you from?What I Will Miss
Me: Well I was born in St. Louis.
Them: No, where are you REALLY from?
Me: No, really, St. Louis.
The Peachoid, of course
GSP Airport (only two terminals, it rocks!)
The 2008 Presidential Primaries in SC
Laurens County Sheriff Ricky Chast@in
The abundance of Sweet Tea
When Spartanburg deputies make arrests and play the theme song from Cops out of their cars
When Gaffney Police mistake a kinky, chocolate-laden night of love-makin' for murder
My pals, who better come visit me for SXSW (you hear that Robot, Hassman, Otis, Mrs. Otis, Zellmer and the rest of the Upstate counterculture?)
Why I Can't Wait to Go Home
Taco Cabana
Kinky, Cindy and the rest of the crazy characters
Reliable NY Times delivery
Catching my Snippets from Stiles in person!
I have kept my Texas plates all along, never registering in SC (please don't tell the authorities)