I returned to the Quad to find it getting all torn up. This is to make way for the new Reynolds Journalism Institute, courtesy of Don Reynolds, who gave us 31 million dollars to build it (and name it after him, of course).
Says an unamed journalism professor, "We sold our souls for that one."
Then, to my simultaneous delight and displeasure, I found this across the street:

I complained about Columbia's lack-of-Starbucks for the entire time I lived there. Now that we've all moved on, Columbia gets a real Starbucks of its very own. Exciting for the fellow addicts out there, but sorta sad. It surprised me to see the town actually gave in and let the evil "Fox Books" of coffee come in. Guess everyone's in the soul-selling business these days. Not that I'm on a high horse about it, after all, I work in TV news.