Remember my nemesis? (To qualify, Esquire told us last year we all need one.)
My nemesis is the poster child for talentless TV anchors rising to the top of the industry. The "Greek bitch"of Dallas' Channel 8. The woman wasting expensive airtime and slowly eroding our news values every morning from five to seven am.
Well, she's such a BAHRING nemesis now. First of all, she's just one of about a gazillion talentless hacks who get promoted* (I'm beginning to concede the war), and second, she hasn't done anything annoying lately.
I was outraged when she appeared on the cover of Avid Golfer even though she doesn't play golf, but that was more than a year ago! Now she's just hanging around, doing her silly traffic reports, and looking for people to write in about their commutes. BAHRING.
I was thinking of releasing my negative nemesis energy on Ann Coulter, but it's not nice to make fun of people with psychotic problems. Going to keep pondering this one.
*Shephard Smith, et al.