There's been a coup at the capitol. Two former allies of the House Speaker, Tom Craddick, decided to challenge him for the job! Each man said he had the votes to win, but if they really did, then there would be 12,547 members of the Texas House (or something). In reality, there are only 150.
Today, the two challengers decided to team up. Which COULD topple Craddick. I dunno. No one really knows. Everything stays quiet, then breaks fast.
So for the past two weeks, I've been busy trying to figure out what's going on, which is seriously taking up my blogging, margarita-drinking, Chik-Fil-A-eating time. For instance, I got this sweet coupon for free breakfasts at Chik-Fil-A for the entire month and I haven't gotten around to taking advantage of it yet - not even once! Friggin' Speakers race!