10. The new workplace (see above) sure beats the old office
9. Lawmakers have history of running off to Oklahoma on a whim
8. My new boss doesn't make reporters sign contracts (proof there is a God)
7. When KVUE wins award money, managers throw a hugeass party on a boat. Who doesn't love getting tipsy on the high seas, for free?
6. Being reunited with the TX TV posse will feel so good
5. A gubenatorial race featuring a guy named Kinky and a chick named Grandma
4. A 9-6 shift means I'll be home to catch Aaron Sorkin's new series on NBC
3. Lt. Gov Andre Bauer = no longer my problem
2. Now that I'm a beat reporter, no more heat wave stories. Now that's hot!
1. Austin. A much easier TV market to say than Greenville-Spartanburg-Asheville-Anderson-Gaffney-Travelers Rest