This is the lovely image of the irreverent, Texas-based, nationally-syndicated columnist Molly Ivins posted on the site of her longtime employer, The Texas Observer. I thought it was pretty.
She was the one who nicknamed George W. Bush "Shrub", who got fired from The New York Times for trying to get "gang-pluck" into a story and whose liberal slant was so strong she got banned from speaking on the Texas A&M campus. (She called it one of her highest honors.)
On President Bush: "Everyone knows the man has no clue, but no one has the courage to say it. I mean, good gawd, the man is as he always has been: barely adequate."
On covering politics: "I believe politics is the finest form of entertainment in the state of Texas: better than the zoo, better than the circus, rougher than football and even more aesthetically satisfying than baseball."